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Official Of Justice And Peace Commission In Angola Sao Tome Urges Christians To Hope And Act With Creation

Official of Justice and Peace Commission in Angola, São Tomé Urges Christians to “hope and act with creation”

São Tomé, August 3, 2023 (Lusa) - The coordinator of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Episcopal Conference of Angola and São Tomé (CEAST), Father Jacinto Pio Wacussanga, today urged Christians to live with hope and responsibility towards creation.

"We live in a paradoxical situation and we are called to live with hope and act with creation" and "to defend creation" because "it is our common home", said Father Jacinto Pio Wacussanga.

The priest was speaking during the opening of the 12th edition of the Week of Prayer for Creation, which began today in São Tomé and runs until September 4, and which this year has as its theme "Listen to the voice of creation".

The priest said that this year's theme "urges us to listen to the voice of creation" because "the earth does not only speak to us through its wonders and beauty, it also cries out, wounded by the harm caused by the actions of the human being".

Jacinto Pio Wacussanga defended that it is necessary to "act for creation", understanding that this responsibility is not only for "environmentalists, scientists, international councils, governments", but also for Christians, "as followers of Christ, because he invites everyone to live in space. communion with the Creator, with others and with all creation".
