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Vance Offers The Wrong Defense For Promoting Ugly Misinformation

Vance offers the wrong defense for promoting ugly misinformation

Republican Senate nominee J.D. Vance doubles down on false claims.

Republican Senate nominee J.D. Vance is doubling down on his false claims about the 2020 election, even after being repeatedly debunked by fact-checkers. In a recent interview, Vance falsely claimed that there was "widespread fraud" in the election and that President Joe Biden did not legitimately win. These claims are simply not true. There is no evidence of widespread fraud, and Biden won the election fair and square.

Vance's false claims are dangerous. They undermine our democracy and make it harder for Americans to trust in the electoral process. It is important to call out Vance for his lies and to hold him accountable for his actions. We must not allow him to spread misinformation and undermine our democracy.

Vance's false claims are not new.

Vance has a long history of making false claims about the 2020 election. In the past, he has claimed that there was "massive voter fraud" and that the election was "rigged" against Donald Trump. These claims are simply not true. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud, and Biden won the election fair and square.

Vance's false claims are part of a larger pattern of misinformation and disinformation that has been spread by Trump and his allies since the 2020 election. This misinformation has led to a loss of trust in our democracy and has made it harder for Americans to have a civil discourse about the future of our country.

We must hold Vance accountable for his lies.

Vance's false claims are dangerous and must not be tolerated. We must hold him accountable for his lies and make it clear that they will not be accepted. We must also work to educate the public about the truth of the 2020 election and to help them understand the dangers of misinformation.

We must not allow Vance or any other politician to undermine our democracy or to spread misinformation. We must stand up for the truth and for our democracy.
